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STEM Resources

STEM the Spread

STEM the Spread

This set of posters highlights the key 'keep safe' messages that should be shared with all:

  • Wash hands
  • Catch your cough
  • Don't touch your face
  • Keep your distance

STEM the Spread - Gaelic

STEM the Spread - Gaelic

This set of posters highlights the key 'keep safe' messages that should be shared with all:

  • Wash hands
  • Catch your cough
  • Don't touch your face
  • Keep your distance

STEM the Spread Pack 2

Additional posters for each of the key 'keep safe' messages:

- Wash hands
- Don't touch your face
- Keep your distance
- Catch your cough

ASPIRES - Final Report

Many governments and organisations are concerned that not enough young people are choosing to study STEM subjects after the age of 16. There is also widespread concern that the profile of those who do go on to study STEM subjects and pursue STEM careers is too narrow, with women, working-class and some minority ethnic groups remaining under-represented, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. The ASPIRES study sought to shed new light on our understanding of how young people’s aspirations develop over this 10-14 age period.

Citizen Science and Curriculum for Excellence

Citizen Science and Curriculum for Excellence

Want to discover a new quasar in deep space, count elephants in the Serengeti National Park from the comfort of your classroom or monitor invasive species in your local park? If so, then you will be joining forces with millions of people around the world who are discovering a passion for science through citizen science activities. Read on to find out more about the exciting ways that learners and their communities can engage with science as volunteers and
make a difference to their communities and world.

DYW Career Education Standard

The standard recognises the journeys children and young people make as they learn about the world of work from the early years to the senior phase. It sets out what children and young people will learn and what parents/carers, teachers/practitioners, employers and Skills Development Scotland will do to support their learning. Implementation of the standard will improve the quality and consistency of learning about work and careers. It will improve young people’s ability to make informed decisions about future pathways.

Family Learning and Climate

COP26 and Learning for Sustainability Family Learning Resources for schools and ELC

Improving Gender Balance

Gender Stereotypes: an introduction for practitioners in schools and early learning centres.

More information can be found at:

Numeracy and Mathematics Benchmarks

The numeracy and mathematics benchmarks have been developed to provide clarity on the national standards expected within each curriculum area at each level. Their purpose is to make clear what learners need to know and be able to do to progress through the levels, and to support consistency in teachers’ and other practitioners’ professional judgements.

Numeracy and Mathematics Experiences and Outcomes

A copy of the numeracy and mathematics experiences and outcomes from CfE

Play Strategy for Scotland: Our Vision

Play Strategy for Scotland: Our Vision

The Scottish Government's vision for children and young people is clear: for Scotland to be the best place in the world to grow up.

Children’s play is crucial to Scotland’s wellbeing; socially, economically and environmentally. Our people are our greatest resource and the early years of life set the pattern for children’s future development. ‘The experiences children have in early life – and the environments in which they have them – shape their developing brain  architecture and strongly affect whether they grow up to be healthy, productive members of society’ (Harvard University, 2007). Play is an essential part of a happy, healthy childhood and ‘when children play their brains
do two things: they grow and the become organised and usable’ (Hughes, 2013). By investing in all our children and young people now we can strengthen their ability to achieve their full potential.

Science Benchmarks

The science benchmarks have been developed to provide clarity on the national standards expected within each curriculum area at each level. Their purpose is to make clear what learners need to know and be able to do to progress through the levels, and to support consistency in teachers’ and other practitioners’ professional judgements.

Science Experiences and Outcomes

A copy of the science experiences and outcomes from CfE.

Sciences Framework

The framework has been provided to give suggested ways in which the sciences curriculum can be delivered across the Broad General Education years ensuring progression across stages and levels.

The framework for Sciences has been organised by level and split by stage. Within each stage there are suggested bundles of Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes. These E’s & O’s are then supported by:

  • Education Scotland Sciences Planning Tool
  • Suggested bundles
  • Benchmarks for Assessment
  • Resources to support learning
  • Exemplar IDL planners
  • Key documents

STEM Education and Training Strategy

The strategy sets out the actions for the education and training system, the science engagement sector, and for Community Learning and Development (CLD) which will help address these issues over the next five years. Collaboration and strong partnership working by all those with an interest will be critical if we are able to deliver fully on our ambitions.

STEM Pathway Bio Template

STEM Glasgow are looking for teachers, parents and professionals across the city to share their unique STEM journeys with Glasgow’s young people via our website and e-bulletin.

To share your STEM journey please fill out the biography below and return it along with a landscape photograph to:

STEM Self Evaluation and Improvement Framework

This self-evaluation and improvement framework can be used to stimulate dialogue and action towards a whole setting approach to STEM. It can serve as a helpful guide or route map for early learning and childcare (ELC) establishments, primary, additional support needs (ASN) and secondary schools looking to evaluate and improve their approach to STEM using the quality indicators within How good is our school? (Fourth edition) (HGIOS4?) and How good is our early learning and childcare? (HGIOELC?). The framework is also aligned with national priorities and policies including the STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland, Developing the Young Workforce and the Scottish Attainment Challenge.

STEM Self Evaluation and Improvement Framework Summary

A two page summary document of the STEM Self-Evaluation and Improvement Framework which can be used to evaluate individually and on a whole school basis in order to improve approaches to STEM teaching and learning.

Technologies Experiences and Outcomes

A copy of the technologies experiences and outcomes from CfE.

The Science Capital Teaching Approach

The Science Capital Teaching Approach

Some students struggle to see science as being relevant to their lives and as something that is for them. This can make their engagement with science difficult. This pack will support teachers in helping students find more meaning and relevance in science and, as a result, engage more with the subject.

The ideas presented in this pack have been co-developed and trialled over four years by 43 science teachers in a diverse range of secondary schools in England with both key stage 3 and 4 classes.