STEM Glasgow

Welcome to STEM Glasgow



STEM Glasgow

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

What is STEM


STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM education and training seeks not only to develop expertise and capability in each individual field but also to develop the ability and skills to work across disciplines through interdisciplinary learning. This knowledge and skill set are at the heart of the development of Scotland’s Young Workforce and of Glasgow’s future economy and prosperity. Developing an understanding and knowledge of STEM is also important to all of our daily lives and it is essential that we support our young people to become scientifically and digitally literate citizens.

What is STEM


That our young people, practitioners and partners work collaboratively to support the development of STEM based knowledge, skills and opportunities, increasing the skills for life, learning and work of our young people and supporting Glasgow’s economic development.

About STEM


STEM Glasgow are part of Education Services at Glasgow City Council. They work in partnership with a number of organisations including Education Scotland, Scottish Government and The Wood Foundation. The team consists of the STEM Development Officer and Primary Science Development Officer (partly funded by RAiSE). STEM Glasgow provide support for practitioners from across the city in raising awareness and attainment in STEM.

Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) is a four-year pilot being funded and delivered by The Wood Foundation, Education Scotland, Scottish Government and participating local authorities to enhance the delivery of STEM education in primary schools.

More information can be found here


TEM and the City


It is important to recognise that the development of many of the higher order thinking skills associated with STEM (analytical and creativity, collaboration and innovation) opens doors to employment that may not be initially recognised as associated with STEM. The message that STEM keeps options open is one that needs to be reiterated to our young people, their families and our practitioners.

The key sectors for Glasgow’s economy, as defined by Glasgow’s Economic Leadership, are Low Carbon Industries, Engineering, Life Sciences, Finance and Business Services, Tourism and Higher/Further education. STEM is integral to most of these and the development of STEM skills in our young people will allow them to be well equipped for these growth areas in their future.